Hi Jim
How 's it going? Sorry I haven’t written sooner. I’ve been quite busy because I’ve got exams
and stuff at school. Sorry! Things have been pretty quiet since you moved to California.
School’s a bit boring without you! Anyway, I’m writing as promised, to keep you up to date
with all the latest news.
Swimming is going really well. I’m still on the school team and I’m training really hard at the
moment because of the national competition next month. We’ve got a new coach, Mr Wilks.
He’s great, but he’s really into healthy diets, so no pizza or burgers for me. Check out the
photo attached!
Do you remember Mark Smith? He goes to Brighton College, but his sister’s in my class.
Anyway, I’m going out with him now. He plays in a band, so I’ve been to a few of their gigs.
They play in the Blue Bar every Friday night and they’re really good. I’ll send you the link to
their website.
What’s your news? What are you up to? Can’t wait to hear! Have you met any cool American
girls? How’s your family getting on in California? Do your brother and sister like living there
Write soon
Love Ellen
1. Read and Translate the email. Why is Ellen writing to Jim? (30 words)
2. Find words and expressions in the email that mean…
a. How are you?
b. apologies for not writing
c. other things
d. look at
e. What are you doing at the moment?
f. I really want to know.
3. Match the connectors in the box to the categories.
because and because of but so
● to join ideas
● to give reasons
● to contrast ideas
● to talk about results
4. Use words from Ex 3 to complete the sentences:
● The party was fun _____________ I met a cool girl there.
● I like the photos, _____________ you aren’t in any of them.
● I’ve got to go now _____________ my girlfriend’s just arrived!
● I didn’t know many people _____________ I invited everyone in my class to my party.
● I’m studying hard at the moment _____________ my exam next week.
5. Write an email (100-120 words)
Ten en cuenta:
● Primer Párrafo: Explica el motivo del mensaje: empieza disculpándote por no haber
escrito antes, y después describe el lugar y la gente con quien estás.
● Segundo Párrafo: Empieza a contar tus noticias con alguna pregunta retórica.
Háblale a tu amigo de los sitios donde has ido y la gente que has conocido.
● Tercer Párrafo: Pregúntale sobre sus novedades y pídele que te las cuente.
Interésate por cómo le va e insiste en que te conteste a tu correo electrónico.
● Despedida: De manera informal.